Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Doing Our Part & Learning to be Peace - Watercolors & Story

Once upon a sunny day an elephant, who was taking a stroll and minding his own business, stumbled upon a hummingbird. This hummingbird was not like every other hummingbird that elephant had ever seen, oh no, this hummingbird was not zipping about drinking up the nectar from the giant honey-scented flowers that surrounded them. This hummingbird, this very little brightly colored hummingbird, was lying flat on her back, with her little toothpick legs sticking straight up in the air.

Well, the elephant had never seen such a thing, and if you can imagine, the first thought through this elephant's mind was, "Is this little bird okay? Do hummingbirds take day naps?"

The little hummingbird took note of the perplexed elephant standing in front of her. And to her amusement she continued lying in the grass, with her legs sticking straight up.

By now, the smile in her eyes told the elephant that this was no lazy bird, lying about on a sunny afternoon. This hummingbird was certainly up to something.

"Excuse me little hummingbird, what in the world are you doing lying there with your legs in the air?" asked the elephant.

"Why I heard the sky may fall today, so I am doing my part. If the sky should fall, I shall do my part to help, and keep the sky up with my feet." the hummingbird replied, quite matter-of-factly.

"Hmpf. You? You think you can make a difference if the sky should fall?" scoffed the elephant.

"I am doing my part, as I have said. I cannot hold up the sky alone, but together we could make a great difference."

"I see. I shall join you." The elephant then laid down, rolled over, and stuck his giant feet up into the sky.

The two stayed this way for the rest of the day. The sky never fell, but if it had, those two surely would have made a great difference in the outcome. From then on the elephant nor the hummingbird ever forgot how important their actions are in the grand scheme of things. Even the smallest of actions can make a great wave of difference.

~Adapted from a Chinese folk tale~