The third through sixth grades decided to create an original play based on the concept of courage and strength that is often brought about during the celebration of St. Michael. Each child chose an influential person from history, researched that person, discovered how that person was courageous and how that person changed the world, then we wrote a play around their work. Jasper Gros was the "Hearthstone Newspaper Journalist Extraordinaire" in the play. He traveled through time with his handy time machine to interview Ludwig van Beethoven (Trusten Murrah), Benjamin Franklin (Jackson Strickler), Sequoyah aka George Guess (Leif Kvarnes), Mother Teresa (Grace Jones), Albert Einstein (Liam Bauchspies), and Abraham Lincoln (Noah Waller). They ended the play with a beautiful rendition of "With My Own Two Hands" music played by Frances Miller and the high school.
Kitty & Linda's Class performed the traditional Michaelmas play of "St. George and the Dragon". The first and second grades were the townspeople, Princess Una, King, St. George, and fairies. The high school made the dragon and acted as the dragon in the play! Good work everyone!
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